Gentian Ashiro serie

New beautiful colors and larger flowers. Dr.Takashi Hikage, breeder of Ashiro from Japan has delivered a top performance with this new series of pot Gentians. The new colors are red, pink white and royal blue and are all very richly flowering. It is a top product that blooms for a long time and shows its beautifully shaped flowers and colors in summer and autumn. This Ashiro series are very hardy. Did you know that Japan has the largest production with more than 125 million branches for cutting and that for 15 years the pot types have also been developed specifically for pot cultivation. In the coming years, the first double flowers from this breeder will also become available. A product with a future!

Propagation by cuttings and tissue culture, the species can be grown as 1 and 2 years old and are suitable for P 9 - P17. All species are protected under plant breeders right right  and are only available for the EU.

Licensed growers TC


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